Hi there,
Spring at last! It’s lovely to have the bright mornings, long days and warm sunshine back again. And a few real live book events lined up over the next few months. Real readers and writers!
Over the past few months, I have been asking different writers, published and not yet published, ‘Why do you write?’
Here are the condensed ideas of most of them:
I have a lot of stories in my head. I feel the need to get them written down.
I have great ideas for characters that need stories to express themselves.
I write to escape from the everyday world, which isn’t always a good place to be.
I have a message to give to people.
I’ve read some awesome books over the years and one day I thought, hey, what if I write an awesome book?
When I look around, everywhere I go I find ideas that could make an interesting story. I have notebooks full of ideas.
Sometimes I think, ‘Why am I doing this? I’m not really getting anywhere with my writing.’ Then I decide to give it all up, especially after a bad review! But somehow, I find myself back in front of the laptop and off I go again. Maybe I’m a writing addict.
So, why do you write?
